At Tender Hearts, we believe in making a difference in the lives of those who need it most, and that includes our tiniest warriors – premature babies. We are excited to announce our recent donation drive dedicated to Nemours Children’s Hospital, where we proudly delivered 100 receiving blankets, each adorned with the Tender Hearts logo, and 200 toys for children aged 5 and under.

These special donations are aimed at bringing comfort and joy to preemies and young children during their stay at the hospital. The receiving blankets are not just a small source of warmth, but a symbol of care from our Tender Hearts community. The toys were carefully chosen to brighten the days of little ones, helping them find moments of joy even in the midst of medical challenges.

Nemours Children’s Hospital is known for its exceptional care for young patients, and we are honored to contribute to their efforts by supporting families and children during such critical times. We hope that our donation will bring comfort, smiles, and hope to the children and their families.

At Tender Hearts, we are committed to helping children and families in need, and we are grateful to all who made this donation possible. If you’d like to learn more about how you can get involved with Tender Hearts, or if you know of a child in need of support, please reach out to us. Together, we can continue making a positive impact in the lives of those who need it most.

Stay tuned for more updates on how Tender Hearts is making a difference in the community!