Goal and program details
Assist families with medically fragile children to help put a smile on that child’s face and improve their quality of life. This service offers parents the opportunity to celebrate milestones in that child’s life such as a Birthday, a medical milestone, and the Holidays.
Birthday-In order to qualify, request must be for the medically fragile child.
$100.00 in donations per child for presents and misc. party items such as decorations and cake
Medical Milestone-In order to qualify, request must be for the medically fragile child.
$50.00 in donations for misc. part items and cake
Christmas-In order to qualify, all families must have a medically fragile child. This program does offer assistance to the entire family according to the following criteria:
Assistance will be offered: Adult $25.00 in donations
Assistance will be offered: Child $75.00 in donations
Program details
Tender Hearts will accept applications for assistance through referring agencies and with rare exceptions through board referral. These agencies are as follows; A.I. DuPont Children’s Hospital, Exceptional Care for Children, United Way of Delaware, Ronald Mc Donald House, and Delaware State agencies including: Division of Developmental Disabilities Services and the Delaware Department of Social Services.